
MY STORY OF GRACE: Part 1 - The Beginning

       I was told as a young child that I was born on a saturday and was at church that Sunday. However, it wasn't an actual saturday but I guess that is just the saying. In my early years my parents were activly involved in my church, we never missed a Sunday, even played on the Softball team and hung out with members of our church outside of church related events. That went on until I was in like 3rd grade or so, my dad started working on the weekends. My mom didn't like the questions that were asked when week after week my dad didnt come to church, so, we stopped going as well.
      Being in a baptist church the grade school kids had AWANAS every wednesday night, and every week I begged my parents to let me go. As long as it didn't interfer with a practice or a game, they would let me go. That is where I got my foundation as a Christ-follower. I continued to attend youth group on Wednesdays and try to stay the night at a friends house on Saturday nights so that I could attend Sunday school but that was rarely allowed as my parents pushed my sister and I to be heavily involved in as many sports as humanly possible. From the time I could walk, my parents had me signed up for a sport every season. I grew up with this craving to be fed spiritually, but without a Christ-centered home my craving was never satisfied.

    I was the typical "good-girl" growing up. All through junior high and high school I spent three nights a week at my church volunteering and attending youth group and ran the Bible Club at my school. I never broke rules and the only thing my parents could do to punish me was to ground me from attending church. I was one of those, "rainbows and butterflies" girls until it all came to a halt.

     My parents hadn't never been arguers, never raised their voice at one another, but it was the things they didn't say. I hadn't heard them say "I love you" to each other in longer than I could remember, and all of their time at home was spent in seperate areas of the house. It never crossed my mind that it wasn't normal, I believed that is what a marriage was supposed to look like. One night, during my sophomore year, the week before spring break, my parents pulled my sister and I into the living room for a "family discussion." That should have been the first clue that something was wrong. The only thing we had done as a family since I was young was attend sporting events together. They sat us down and told us that they hadn't been in love for a long time and that, for the last 10 years or so, they had basically been roommates.

      My heart was broken, I was very much a believer of "true love" and all that fairytale stuff. How could I believe in all of that now, when the only example of a marriage had just crumbled in front of me.....My world came crashing down and my life took a complete 180

 Find out what happened after in Part 2.....